At Muddy Hands Garden and Nature Play, whilst promoting and valuing unstructured, child-led play, our sessions include a wide range of all sorts of nature based arts and crafts using natural or reused materials wherever possible. We teach children to use real tools properly and safely to create projects made from wood including geoboards, boxes, musical instruments, rubber band firing guns, and catapults to name just a few.
Most children love to create and we are always striving to come up with new projects to allow children to create works of art using natural materials such as mud, sticks, seeds and flowers from our site to create leaf prints, mobiles, weaving, paintings, stick figures, and much, much more!
Children love to bake and cook. At birthday parties, camps and minicamps we use our Ooni stone baked pizza oven to bake pizzas in just a few minutes for lunch. Children roll their individual pizza doughs before adding the sauce and their choice of toppings. They're fun, quick, simple, healthy and delicious!